I’ve been really thrilled this year to see how positively people have responded to my 2017 Sewing Calendar. I had a number of requests to update it for 2018 and I’m so pleased to share it with you today. I really enjoyed using the calendar this year, filling in the spaces for what I planned to sew, thinking ahead to special events and of course, checking the box when I had completed a project. Just like last year’s design, this calendar has a page for each month and spaces to list your projects and special events. AND it’s totally free for you to download and print at home. Woohoo!
FREE Printable 2017 Sewing Calendar
With the new year quickly approaching, I’m thinking about goals for 2017 and of course what I’d like to sew. To aid in planning, I created a fun little printable sewing calendar that you can download and print for free! Each month features space for you to list the projects you’d like to sew, to note when they are started and finished and the ever-satisfying check box when you’re all done. I’ve also included an area to write down all the big events for the month. I often like to sew new things for events like trips and parties and it’s even better when I’m able to plan ahead.
Free DIY Printable – Handmade Gift Tags
Whether you're a sewist, knitter, baker or other kind of maker, Christmas is the perfect time to craft handmade gifts for friends and family. Of course, after all that hard work creating the perfect gift, you'll need to wrap it up. To help you get ready for Christmas morning (or any handmade gift giving occasion), I created these little hang tags to decorate your handmade gifts in style. And if you're like me and have been too busy to get things wrapped up, then these hang tags come just in time.