VIDEO My 2020 sewing plans and Make Nine challenge

My 2020 sewing plans and Make Nine challenge

In today’s vlog, I’m chatting about my sewing plans for 2020, how my 2019 #makenine challenge turned out and a few fun sewing challenges that you can participate in the new year. Even though I’m not always great at sticking to a plan, I love making plans for the sheer excitement and anticipation they bring. Planning is a great way to thoughtfully decide what you’d like to make whether that’s based on need, or skills you’d like to learn or even just that irresistible urge to make something fun.

I’ve been doing the Make Nine Challenge for a few years now and it’s a nice way to plan my project for the next year. I’ve never managed to sew everything on my list because I frequently change my mind or get distacted but I still enjoy making the list. This year I’m bringing my three unmade items from 2019 over in to 2020 and adding three more. That leave three empty slots but I’m sure I’ll be able to fill them eventually.

2019 Make Nine challenge

For more info on the pieces that I did finish check out the blog posts:

  1. Calyer Pants

  2. Kila Tank

  3. Vogue V1501

  4. Hadley Tank

  5. Palisade Pants/Shorts

  6. Amy Jumpsuit (shoulder tie hack here)

2020 Make Nine Challenge - Sew DIY

My #makenine list for 2020 is:

  1. Falda Jacket by Pattern Fantastique

  2. Flynn Jacket by In the Folds

  3. Free Range Slacks by Sew House 7

  4. Ginger Jeans by Closet Case Patterns

  5. Clover Dress by Papercut Patterns (I couldn’t find this on their website so maybe it’s no longer available?)

  6. Wattle Skirt by Megan Nielsen

And I’m leaving three open spots for whatever strikes my fancy when the new year arrives. I already have a few new patterns that I want to develop but those will be kind of secret for right now.

If you’re interested in the Sew My Style challenge, you can learn more about it here. As I mentioned in the video, it’s a really fun year long challenge and my Ali Sweatshirt pattern will be featured in November.

You can learn more about the Sew Twists and Ties challenge here and of course, I think my Dana Jumpsuit pattern would be just perfect for this challenge. 

By the way, if you like to record your plans and makes in a physical journal or notebook, I now have two printable sewing planner designs in the shop. I love using my planner and the free calendar to plan my year and keep a record of my makes. Links below to check out the planners.
